The Christmas season was busy, busy, busy! There were school Christmas parties, performances and sing-a-longs. There was a lot of decorating, cookie making and looking at Christmas lights. There was also some traveling...we started out at Randy's dad's house, next to my mom's, then off to Randy's mom and finally out to Uncle David's and Aunt Carole's on Christmas night. We arrived home late Christmas night, and Nate just couldn't stay awake. So, Zachary discovered the boys gifts that Santa left, and then we had Christmas with him under the tree. The next morning we celebrated with Nate. The boys had a wonderful holiday filled with family, Santa and gifts, but more importantly filled with the true reason...the birth of Christ. (It is February...yes, I'm a little behind...and Nate is still singing "Happy Birthday to Jesus")
Luke, Zachary and Nate at Santa's Wonderland
My brother Michael, Sarah and little baby Drew at Santa's Wonderland.
Making cookies for Santa
Nate's Cookies
Our Tree
Don't you just LOVE their faces when they open their presents!
PawPaw and Luke

My parents have 5 are 4!
Nate and Z at MeMe's house.
Aunt Lisa with the boys Christmas morning
Finally home and ready to see what's under the tree.
Nate finally getting to see what's under his tree.