Monday, February 28, 2011

Monday Morning

Can any of us really know why we are here?  What do you believe...what are your beliefs?  If you think about it deeply, does it make you confused?  Do you wonder "why"?  Let's say you believe the words written in Bible.  God created heaven and and night, man and woman.  Well, what was the point?
So, can any of us know why we are here?  To save a life, help a child, change the environment, create new technologies, find a cure for terrible diseases...and on and on and on.  BUT...does all of this matter?  If we believe as Christians that once we die we live our eternal life in heaven, what's the point of this life.  Why can't we just skip it?  Why did earth/mankind even have to be created?  As a test?  If so, what a difficult, tragic and wonderful test it is.  -Anabell Ker

I don't know the answer to "why are we here?".  But we have faith, believe, enjoy, create, help, love and live.


Anonymous said...

Personally, I know why you are here. To be the other half of my beloved son, to be the incredible Mother of my two Grandsons, who without, my life would be half empty and to be the most wonderful daughter-in-law God could have put on the face of this earth.
Small meaning to some, but the world to me.
Love you,

Christy said...

That is the sweetest expression on a little baby face I have ever seen!

Love God, love people...that's enough, don't you think?

Lynda said...

Yes Christy...I do :)