Monday, February 28, 2011

Monday Morning

Can any of us really know why we are here?  What do you believe...what are your beliefs?  If you think about it deeply, does it make you confused?  Do you wonder "why"?  Let's say you believe the words written in Bible.  God created heaven and and night, man and woman.  Well, what was the point?
So, can any of us know why we are here?  To save a life, help a child, change the environment, create new technologies, find a cure for terrible diseases...and on and on and on.  BUT...does all of this matter?  If we believe as Christians that once we die we live our eternal life in heaven, what's the point of this life.  Why can't we just skip it?  Why did earth/mankind even have to be created?  As a test?  If so, what a difficult, tragic and wonderful test it is.  -Anabell Ker

I don't know the answer to "why are we here?".  But we have faith, believe, enjoy, create, help, love and live.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Snow 2011

It's not supossed to snow here. And surely not every year!  But the snow must love College Station, because it keeps coming back!

Wow...It's Windy Out There

High winds relocated trampolines all over town.  Ours stayed put, but the neighbor's trampoline wanted to come over and play!

Pinewood Derby

The Cub Scouts had their Pinewood Derby a few weekends ago.  Zachary had a great time.  He loves his car, but it turned out to be very, very slow...did I say very slow. ;)  But hey, you win loose some. 
In the end, he won Most Original Design.  And wouldn't you know it...his design was Super Mario...yes, I know you are very surprised by that! ;)

Happy Birthday to Nate

Little Nate has turned THREE! Yep, I'm a little late since his birthday was on the 17th of January!

My baby has become a little boy. It's always a little sad when your kids are no longer babies, but it is also exciting. I love that Nate can communicate his needs and wants. It's fun playing cars, trains, doing puzzles, painting and creating with play dough. He sings, he's silly, and he loves to play hide and seek! And...wait for it...he is now finally out of diapers/pull-ups! Oh, you thought that happened last May (as posted in my blog)?? Nope! That turned out to be a total disaster. But we are finally on the right track. It's not perfect, but we are getting there. Notice how I said "we"...I think I worked 10 times harder at this than he does. ;)

Nate has a great personality and loves to jump and flip. He is super brave, but also has his moments of weakness. He needs me, loves me and expects that I will always be there for him. He adores his daddy...really truly adores him. He is stubborn! I mean he is so strong-willed, that I often am at a loss. But I believe that with guidance, that strong will will serve him well one day.

I love this kid sooooooooo much!

Here are a few pictures from his party...

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Tis the Season to be Jolly

The Christmas season was busy, busy, busy!  There were school Christmas parties, performances and sing-a-longs.  There was a lot of decorating, cookie making and looking at Christmas lights.  There was also some traveling...we started out at Randy's dad's house, next to my mom's, then off to Randy's mom and finally out to Uncle David's and Aunt Carole's on Christmas night.  We arrived home late Christmas night, and Nate just couldn't stay awake.  So, Zachary discovered the boys gifts that Santa left, and then we had Christmas with him under the tree.  The next morning we celebrated with Nate.  The boys had a wonderful holiday filled with family, Santa and gifts, but more importantly filled with the true reason...the birth of Christ.  (It is February...yes, I'm a little behind...and Nate is still singing "Happy Birthday to Jesus")

Luke, Zachary and Nate at Santa's Wonderland
My brother Michael, Sarah and little baby Drew at Santa's Wonderland.
Making cookies for Santa
Nate's Cookies
Our Tree
Don't you just LOVE their faces when they open their presents!
PawPaw and Luke
My parents have 5 are 4!
Nate and Z at MeMe's house.
 Aunt Lisa with the boys Christmas morning
 Finally home and ready to see what's under the tree.
Nate finally getting to see what's under his tree.

Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving is such a wonderful time to enjoy family.  I love the food and smells that fill the air, and I love the colors of the season.

 My mom and Zachary
 My nephew Drew (just a few days old)
 Nate and Z with cousins on Randy's side of the family (his cousin's children)
 Zachary and Makenna.  She is MeMe's neighbor, and a sweet friend to Z since birth.
 The boys with MeMe
 Poppy and Z
 Poppy and Nate
 Nate was full of silly energy at Grandma and Grandpa's house.
 GreGre and Nate
Thanksgiving is over and now it's time to get ready for Christmas...