We learned once Zachary started Kindergarten, that he was in need of a morning schedule. We sat down and discussed why on earth we couldn't seem to get out of the house on time and without frustration in the mornings. And though I wasn't fond of it at first, we found a routine that works for Z. (I wasn't fond of it, because it requires him to get dressed before eating and brushing his teeth. Yep, his shirt often leaves the house already dirty!!)
He wakes up 40 minutes before he needs to walk out the door. Straight to the restroom and then clothes must be put on...including shoes. Sit down for breakfast with no TV or other entertainment...other than a crazy 2 1/2 year old! Then it's off to spend some time brushing teeth and hair. Once he's done, if there is any time left, he can turn on the TV. He is such a slow eater that this doesn't often happen!!
He thrives with this routine. He loves knowing what needs to be done and feels successful every morning. It is extremely rare to have a frustrating morning, and the only time he isn't on time (not actually late for school) is now happily blamed on Daddy! Randy takes Z to school every morning unless he's out of town. He works about 30 seconds from the school, so that's fair. :)
So why did I sound a bit negative about the morning routine way up there in the first paragraph?? Because I'm not a morning person...I need coffee and TV! But for the next 9 months, I will be up and at 'em making sure our mornings are smooth and happy! Two days down...
I only have one kiddo to get ready in the morning and off to school. You Mommas and Daddys that have more...Bless You! You are Superstars!!
BTW...Z's first day was great. More on that later.
That routine sounds very familar- we do the same thing at our house on school mornings. It does work pretty well!
Yes, the schedule works beautifully. When you were out of town on your trip...it was a breeze...of course your manual helped keep MiMi on schedule!
Love you Super MoM!
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