We had a wonderful week hanging out with my parents and my brother's family. Zachary is a pro at floating the river and loved the rapids that were extra fun due to the speed and water level of the river. Nate loved the river too and could go from laughing to sleeping and back to laughing again so quickly depending on whether we were enjoying the rapids or the calm soothing rocking of the river.
But let's start from the beginning...
We stayed in a tiny town right outside of New Braunfels, Sattler. (As you might know, New Braunfels had some recent damage due to flooding. This did not negatively affect the area of the river where we were until the last day of our stay.)
We arrived at the house late Monday afternoon and the boys went right to exploring while I unloaded and unpacked the hundred-million things that we brought. They kept busy by getting into everything and then settled down to draw some pictures before heading out to see the river.
On Tuesday Mom, Dad and I headed into town to take the boys to Landa Park. We hoped to ride the train, play some putt-putt, explore the creeks, and enjoy the other water activities. The boys were super excited!! As I made the turn into Landa Park, all I could see was a large road block. What? The sign read, "Park Closed". The park was indeed closed and is still probably not opened due to damage from the flooding. We were all bummed! We regrouped and headed over to the Children's Museum. It turned out to be a great "turn of events". The boys loved the museum. Zachary was in his element and explored everything in detail. He wanted to touch everything, try on the clothes, watch the videos, figure out how everything worked and even curled up with a book about Space.
Nate was overwhelmed and ran around for the first hour or so. He ran from this to that and back again. Of course he loved the trains and water activities. He also really enjoyed helping his brother put the planets in their correct order from the sun. :)
Our first full day was a lot of fun. I'll post more tomorrow about our river adventures.
Until then...

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