Saturday, May 1, 2010

you're welcome

Trust will be thanking me soon enough! 

I love The Pioneer Woman, love, love!  Her photography is amazing, her food is amazing, her house is amazing, her life is amazing.  I tried one of her recipes this morning.  Can you hear my tummy screaming "YUMMY!!!!"?  Well, it is and so is Nate's (maybe Zachary's too, but he is a little grumpy this morning)!  "What did you make?", you ask.  Cinnamon Toast!  Wait, wait, wait...don't leave.  It's not just regular cinnamon's the best ever...more like a cinnamon roll.  So check out this link and enjoy her funny stories about making cinnamon toast the wrong way, and then grab the ingredients from your pantry and make it "the right way".  You will thank me!  And if you are brave enough, you can throw together a simple icing to dip in...oh my...I just passed out at the thought of that.  Enjoy!

The Pioneer Woman-Cinnamon Toast

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